People Use Mainly two websites to create a blog for free They are Wordpress  and Blogger.

If you can buy a domain and invest in your blog to earn money by making posts I suggest you the WordPress because it has many templets and themes etc... and you can't add plugins,  search console, AdSense in your free WordPress blog. You can't earn money from free WordPress blog.

If you can't invest money in your blog then I suggest you Blogger to make your blog.
It has nice themes and you can use themes outside the blogger, you can earn money without paid domain, you can use search console, google analytics etc...

Create Blog For Free.


1. Go to and sign in.

2. Choose a name for your blog. This is the title that will be displayed at the top of           your Blog. Later you can change it. 
Blogger title

Choose a URL for your blog and click save. Your Blog is ready.

Blogger url


1. Go to and sign in with your google account.

2. Give the URL and continue with that URL and finally you will create a blog from WordPress with free domain.

Thanks for the visit.