Can you answer this question?

Question: Your grandfather has a ship, before he is going to die he gave the ship to you. And you are taking care of it and using it. That ship is so precious to you as your grandfather gave it to you. After some years the ship is getting old and some of the parts are damaging. As your grand father gave it to you, it is precious to you, so you replace the part that damaged with a new one. After some days another part is damaged, after a month another part is damaged and you keep replacing them and storing the damaged parts. After a week another part is damaged and you replaced it and stored damaged part. Gradually all parts are damaged and you replaced them with new parts. After you assembled all damaged original parts into a ship. Now you have two ships, which one is the ship that your grandfather gave to you? 

Ship Paradox

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Actually the is no answer for this question. This is called a Paradox. There a many questions like this. Thanks for visiting